Not only people need a house

We offer to give a chance to a little and nice puppy with extremely wide and open heart. He or her will love you more than anybody else in the world, you will see!

Make a friend
Start screen puppy
Cat and dog pic

About the shelter
“Cozy House”

Currently we have 121 dogs and 342 cats on our hands and statistics show that only 20% of them will find a family. The others will continue to live with us and will be waiting for a lucky chance to become dearly loved.

We feed our wards with the best food and make sure that they do not get sick, feel comfortable (including psychologically) and well. We are supported by 87 volunteers and 28 employees of various skill levels. About 12% of the animals are taken by the shelter staff. Taking care of the animals, they become attached to the pets and would hardly ever leave them alone.

Our friends who
are looking for a house

How you can help
our shelter

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Pet food

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Bowls and cups

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Collars / leashes

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Sleeping areas

dog pic

You can also make a donation

Name of the bank / Type of bank account

card pic 8380 2880 8028 8791 7435

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